Call for Papers
The 15th edition of the CLASTA Conference will take place in Cesena on May 23 and 24, 2025, in collaboration with the University of Bologna.
This edition will feature three high-level keynote lectures:
- Marc H. Bornstein
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, MD USA, Institute for Fiscal Studies, London, UK, and UNICEF, NYC, US
Child Language, Five Principles - Cesare Cornoldi
Università degli Studi di Padova, AIRIPA
Struttura dell’intelligenza e collocazione delle abilità linguistiche e il caso dei disturbi del neurosviluppo - Carina Lüke
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Early indicators of language delay in mono- and multilingual children
In addition to the keynote lectures, the program will include space for thematic sessions, poster presentations, as well as presentations of books and assessment tools. As usual, awards will be given for the best thesis, the best doctoral dissertation, and the best poster. Moreover, Associazione CLASTA invites young members to apply for the organization of a symposium during the Conference.
Abstracts for oral or poster contributions must be submitted online HERE by April 7, 2025.
- The conference welcomes contributions relating to any theme about Language and Communication Development, in typical and atypical populations
- In .doc format, using Times New Roman font, body 12, left justified.
- Abstracts, slides for oral presentations and / or posters can be presented either in Italian or English.
- No editing will be done by CLASTA. Authors are fully responsible for any content reported.
- After a peer-review process, accepted abstracts will be published on the website.
Please download the submission form below:
Once accepted, the presentation of the contribution is subject to payment of the registration fee for the Giornate or for joining CLASTA association by the first author.